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ESI / eDiscovery

ESI / eDiscovery Services


iBridge implements and deploys effective and defensible methodologies to process electronically stored information (ESI) during pre-litigation and throughout the litigation cycle by utilizing advanced technology solutions and customized strategies. iBridge’s infrastructure maintains 24/7, 365 days-a-year data access, not only through our U.S. facilities, but also by utilizing Tier-3 and 4 data center partners across the globe to comply with privacy laws across the globe.

Our technology environment is designed to securely ingest, process and host information around-the-clock. Our intent is to enhance productivity and reduce cost. We use industry leading tools to analyze, cull and access data to provide the most value for the issues at hand. Our teams are cross trained on multiple platforms and are not just limited to the legal industry. We bring unparalleled expertise to provide out-of-the-box thinking and solutions to ensure our clients’ needs are met.
iBridge’s infrastructure maintains 24/7, 365 days-a-year data access, not only through our U.S. facilities, but also by utilizing Tier-3 and 4 data center partners across the globe to comply with privacy laws across the globe.

Our services include the following

Litigation hold solutions

Remote, automated and onsite data acquisition

Early data assessment

ESI conversions for native and image productions

Web-based review hosting platforms

Attorney review services

Concept search and near-duplicate technologies

Manual redaction

Custom data formatting

Behind-the-firewall solutions

World-Class Migration Services

The world of eDiscovery continues to evolve. Although traditional document review is valuable and often necessary, advanced data mining and analytics can be used to effectively reduce the size of the review to help save time as well as expense. Beyond processing, our experienced document review team can help supplement the efforts of counsel to increase efficiencies and cost savings.

iBridge works with clients to determine the most appropriate methods for increasing the value of your data. 

Learn how iBridge can implement an ESI / eDiscovery service best suited for your company! Contact us here.